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WhatsApp Newsletter

Online Marketing with WhatsApp Newsletter - 5 Ideas for Promotions on St. Nicholas Day

For WhatsApp newsletter marketing, Nicholas is a great occasion. We have compiled 5 newsletter templates for your promotion on St. Nicholas.
August 18, 2023
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On 06 December, St. Nicholas once again moves from door to door, all kinds of boots or stockings are provided for filling. St. Nicholas Day is also an integral part of the pre-Christmas season for retailers and online retailers. The advertising possibilities in connection with St. Nicholas are almost unlimited. In this blog article, we have compiled 5 ideas for promotions around St. Nicholas. In addition, you will find for each advertising idea directly the appropriate template to draw the attention of their customers by means of WhatsApp. By the way: In another blog article we have already summarized 15 message templates for WhatsApp

Why you should advertise on Santa Claus by WhatsApp newsletter

Like the 4 Sundays in Advent, St. Nicholas Day is a fixed part of the pre-Christmas period and it is impossible to imagine the Christmas business of retailers and online retailers without it. With a suitable promotion on St. Nicholas, you increase the presence of your business in the pre-Christmas period and have the opportunity to build an even more personal customer relationship. A WhatsApp newsletter is the ideal communication tool for this. Your customers open WhatsApp about 23 times a day. So the chance that their Santa Claus offer will actually be read is very high. With the appropriate communication of your promotion via WhatsApp, you build a personal relationship with your customers. Ideal in preparation for the upcoming Christmas business. You can find out more about WhatsApp marketing with Mateo in a free consultation appointment

5 Promotional Ideas for Santa Claus and Matching WhatsApp Newsletter Templates

1st Santa Claus Giveaway

This idea is especially good for local retail stores, but you can also give customers a little Santa gift in their online store. 

Especially if you work with food, you can use St. Nicholas Day to give away small samples to your customers. Otherwise, you can also look for a suitable idea for a giveaway in your existing assortment. Christmas shopping bags are always the best choice for such a giveaway.

Example of a WhatsApp newsletter for a Santa Claus giveaway.
Through their WhatsApp newsletter, you can share their giveaway with their customers. 

2. a Santa Claus fundraiser 

Show a big heart in the run-up to Christmas. With a Santa Claus fundraiser, you also enable those in need to have a wonderful pre-Christmas and Christmas season. They also position their company in a social context and enable their customers to do good with every purchase. 

For such a fundraiser, it is a good idea to work together with local social institutions. Likewise, this form of Santa Claus campaign is suitable for both local and online businesses. You can use WhatsApp to effectively draw the attention of your customers to this campaign. 

Example of a WhatsApp newsletter for a Santa Claus fundraiser.
WhatsApp template for a Santa Claus fundraiser. 

3. a Santa Claus lottery 

With a lottery for St. Nicholas, you can give away shopping or discount vouchers for your customers' Christmas purchases. Simply have every customer who shops with you on December 5 and 6 draw a ticket. This automatically enters them in your Santa Claus prize draw. This will boost your Christmas business and attract more customers to your store or store on St. Nicholas Day. 

WhatsApp newsletter template for a Santa Claus lottery.
With this template you make your customers aware of the Santa Claus lottery.

4. santa claus gift sets

For many, the richly filled Santa boots or stockings are the first harbinger of gifts under the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. As a St. Nicholas promotion, you could offer ready-stocked boots or other Christmas-style gift sets. These small gifts can then be presented by Santa on St. Nicholas Day. You can easily advertise your Santa Claus specials via WhatsApp. 

WhatsApp Newsletter Template for Santa Claus Gift Sets.
By means of their WhatsApp newsletter, make their customers aware of the gift sets.

5. discount action for Santa Claus

Especially in view of the approaching Christmas business, St. Nicholas offers - who would have guessed - a discount campaign. Analogous to the date as an example, a 6% discount voucher that is sent exclusively to customers via their WhatsApp newsletter. By presenting the voucher, their customers then receive a discount on their Christmas shopping until December 24. 

WhatsApp newsletter template for a Santa Claus coupon promotion.
Discount voucher as a Santa Claus promotion. Exclusively via their WhatsApp newsletter.

Personal customer relationship without Santa Claus action

Of course, you don't need a voucher or gift campaign to wish your customers a happy St. Nicholas Day. A WhatsApp newsletter is also ideally suited for this purpose. Through intelligent customer segments, Mateo would also give you the opportunity to send only customers with children (if recorded in the master data) promotional messages for St. Nicholas Day. For this target group, St. Nicholas is a particularly relevant day in the run-up to Christmas.

Start now with Mateo into the future of customer communication

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With the Mateo communication platform, you can easily send your WhatsApp newsletter. Via the central inbox, you manage all message channels in one place and can edit them in the team. Of course, 100% GDPR compliant as well as Made in Germany! Intelligent customer segments help you send messages to the right customers at exactly the right time. And this is completely automated. This way you improve customer loyalty and turn your customers into fans. What's more, at 93%, the open rate of WhatsApp newsletters is many times higher than that of email newsletters. Book a free and non-binding consultation appointment now and start into the future of online marketing via WhatsApp. 

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