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WhatsApp Newsletter

WhatsApp Marketing: Newsletter Templates for the Christmas Season

Especially during the Christmas season, WhatsApp newsletters are ideal as a marketing campaign. We have prepared 4 message templates for you!
August 18, 2023
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Ho, ho, ho! The fairy lights are hung up, soon the first fir trees will be put up. Christmas is just around the corner. For companies, this means that they need to get their advertising efforts underway once again in order to capture as much of the Christmas business as possible. But the question always arises: Which Christmas campaign will it be? And above all: Which channel is best suited for Christmas advertising? In this blog article, we have prepared 4 suggestions for Christmas advertising campaigns via WhatsApp Business for you. We also explain why WhatsApp is a great marketing channel for the pre-Christmas period. 

WhatsApp Newsletter Marketing: A New Dimension in Online Marketing

Before we take a closer look at WhatsApp marketing for the Christmas season, let's first ask the question: What exactly is WhatsApp marketing anyway? And what added value does it offer companies?

With the introduction of the WhatsApp Business API, WhatsApp has made its chat platform accessible to businesses. This opens up completely new perspectives in online marketing. Companies are able to communicate with customers personally and at eye level via WhatsApp. WhatsApp is extremely widespread in Germany. More than 60 million people use the messenger service. With the right communication solution, sending your WhatsApp newsletter is child's play. It has been proven that you benefit from a much higher open rate than with email newsletters. The added values of WhatsApp marketing are also very diverse, but can be summarized briefly: With WhatsApp Business, companies like yours have a personal, direct communication channel to their customers that can be used without much effort and delivers tangible added value. 

We recommend: Make a free consultation appointment and learn even more about the benefits of WhatsApp for your business!

Why advertise via WhatsApp at Christmas? 

It is not only during the pre-Christmas period that it can be observed that many conventional marketing tools are becoming less and less effective. For example, e-mail newsletters - the direct counterpart to the WhatsApp newsletter - are read by only about 18% of all recipients. A large part of your advertising campaign would therefore fall flat. In contrast, you can expect over 90% open rate with a newsletter sent via WhatsApp Business. In the reflective period before Christmas, it is also important to address customers individually and personally. This awakens emotions and strengthens customer loyalty in the long term. WhatsApp is the perfect advertising medium for this. With a WhatsApp newsletter campaign, you can reach your customers where they also receive Christmas greetings from friends and relatives. Customers can respond to your messages in a low-threshold way and thus start a conversation with them or your employees. 

4 WhatsApp - advertising ideas for the Christmas season

1. a WhatsApp advent calendar 

On December 01, finally open the first door of the Advent calendar. For many, this is already a small highlight in the pre-Christmas season. With a WhatsApp Advent calendar you give this beautiful tradition a modern touch. Via a WhatsApp newsletter campaign, the daily little door is sent to all participating customers via a WhatsApp message. You can also integrate great customer interactions into the Advent calendar. 

Three sample messages for a WhatsApp Advent calendar.
Sample messages for a WhatsApp Advent calendar.

2. personal christmas greetings 

WhatsApp is a wonderful way to send personalized Christmas greetings to your customers. In contrast to cold emails, Christmas greetings via WhatsApp radiate customer proximity and solidarity. This strengthens the customer relationship in the long term. By means of images and emojis, the messages can be made Christmassy. Important information such as your opening hours between the years or possible changes in the new year can also be integrated into your Christmas greeting messages. 

Sample message for personal Christmas greetings via WhatsApp.
Sample message for personal Christmas greetings via WhatsApp.

3. gift ideas 

Your WhatsApp newsletter is perfect for sending customers the best gift ideas for Christmas. This gives your Christmas business an extra boost and offers indecisive customers a good indication of how to give their loved ones gifts for Christmas. By simply replying in WhatsApp chat, you can also give customers direct individual advice on your gift ideas. Vouchers and discount promotions can also be paired perfectly with the gift suggestions. 

Example message for a Christmas gift recommendation via WhatsApp.
Example of a WhatsApp gift ideas newsletter.

4. wish list via WhatsApp 

Your WhatsApp number becomes the direct line to Santa Claus in the run-up to Christmas. Customers send their wish list to you via WhatsApp and in return receive a small gift, a discount voucher or a ticket for a Christmas lottery. Internally, you gain information about the wish lists you receive.

Sample message for a WhatsApp Santa Claus.
This would allow customers to send them their wish lists.

By the way: We have already written a blog article on marketing ideas for St. Nicholas Day. You can view it here

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‍With the Mateo communication platform, you can easily send out your WhatsApp newsletter at Christmas time. Via the central inbox, you manage all message channels in one place, can edit them in the team and respond even faster to the Christmas wishes of your customers. Of course, 100% GDPR compliant as well as Made in Germany! Intelligent customer segments help you send messages to the right customers at exactly the right time. And, optionally, completely automated. In this way, you improve customer loyalty and turn your customers into fans - even far beyond the Christmas season. What's more, at 93%, the open rate of WhatsApp newsletters is many times higher than that of email newsletters. Book a free and non-binding consultation appointment now and start into the future of online marketing via WhatsApp.

Jano Wanner
Messenger expert at Mateo

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Christian Strauch
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